Sight Words Reading Games ABC

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Sight Words Learning
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다운로드 및 설치 Sight Words Reading Games ABC Android에서

다른 한편에서는 원활한 경험을하려면 파일을 장치에 다운로드 한 후 파일을 사용하는 방법을 알아야합니다. APK 파일은 Android 앱의 원시 파일이며 Android 패키지 키트를 의미합니다. 모바일 앱 배포 및 설치를 위해 Android 운영 체제에서 사용하는 패키지 파일 형식입니다.
네 가지 간단한 단계에서 사용 방법을 알려 드리겠습니다. Sight Words Reading Games ABC 귀하의 전화 번호.

1 단계 : 다운로드 Sight Words Reading Games ABC 귀하의 기기에서

아래의 다운로드 미러를 사용하여 지금 당장이 작업을 수행 할 수 있습니다. 그것의 99 % 보장 . 컴퓨터에서 파일을 다운로드하는 경우, 그것을 안드로이드 장치로 옮기십시오.  

2 단계 : 기기에 타사 앱 허용

설치하려면 Sight Words Reading Games ABC 타사 응용 프로그램이 현재 설치 소스로 활성화되어 있는지 확인해야합니다. 메뉴 > 설정 > 보안> 으로 이동하여 알 수없는 소스 를 선택하여 휴대 전화가 Google Play 스토어 이외의 소스에서 앱을 설치하도록 허용하십시오.

3 단계 : 파일 관리자로 이동

이제 위치를 찾으십시오 Sight Words Reading Games ABC 방금 다운로드 한 파일입니다.
일단 당신이 Sight Words Reading Games ABC 파일을 클릭하면 일반 설치 프로세스가 시작됩니다. 메시지가 나타나면 "예" 를 누르십시오. 그러나 화면의 모든 메시지를 읽으십시오.

4 단계 : 즐기십시오

Sight Words Reading Games ABC 이 (가) 귀하의 기기에 설치되었습니다. 즐겨!

새로운 내용 Sight Words Reading Games ABC v3.1.5

개발자 설명

***** WONDERFULLY EDUCATIONAL READING PROGRAM FOR BEGINNING READERS (AGES 2-7). ***** Developed in cooperation with educational specialists by an award-winning educational studio, 22learn, the creator of the best-selling Abby Basic Skills and reading program Phonics: Fun on Farm, to best prepare your children for success in kindergarten and school curriculum. * Entirety of 220 SIGHT WORDS from the popular Dolch list (with extra 94 NOUNS!)* * Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Categories * * 6 engaging EDUCATIONAL GAMES! * ================================ PRESS REVIEW ================================ * "Action Sight Words is an extra-fun "Extra-terrestrial" way to help children learn challenging sight words." * "As a mother of a 1st Grader and a Pre-Schooler, I was quite impressed with this app." Monica, * "an awesome level of interactivity" * "hits the mark on being both educational, and entertaining for kids" * "A colorful and quirky mechanical, industrial theme that children will definitely like. A great tool for teaching and allowing your children learn all about sight words" "Provides ample opportunities to learn all 220 Dolch words through a series of six games and activities. The interface is simple and easy to navigate and overall the look is appealing." Jill Goodman, ----- Abby Sight Words with Wordaliens is a new EDUCATIONAL READING APPLICATION by 22learn. The app is designed to help children learn and practice reading the most common sight words. Sight words are words in English language that do not have a simple one-to-one correspondence between sounds and written letters, and therefore have to be learned “by sight. ” Being able to quickly recognize sight words is a crucial part of learning how to read. Sight words mastery is a necessary step towards an enormous reading improvement. Sight Words offers children an easy-to-use interface and a grand choice of six fun educational games through which children can acquire mastery over this subject matter. ----- The 6 GAMES included are: 1. WORD MACHINE Control the Word Machine. Supply all the words that need to be produced by tapping on the words called. 2. SPELLING Your dog is hungry! Make cans to feed him! To make a can, drag the letter cards to their correct place and make a word you have just heard pronounced. 3. BINGO Make a Bingo to get a ticket for Aliens back home! Tap on the word corresponding to the one that you heard pronounced. Once you have matched cards from one side of the board to the next... Bingo! Aliens are back home! 4. MEMORY GAME Match the sounds to correct word forms! To do so, tap on one of the speakers, hear the word, and then select one of the cards below with a correct word. Do it for all words! 5. GEARS Tap on one of the speakers on the screen, hear the word pronounced, and place the word across the speaker. Repeat for all words to see wonderful gears animation. 6. FLASH CARDS Practice in the Flash Card mode. List through the words and top on the cards to hear the words pronounced again and again! ----- Additional Features Include: - Selection of individual words to be practiced within each category - Avatar selection - Choice of capitalized words and upper-case or lower-case letters - Access to best scores ----- Get this app now and enjoy the progress your children are going to make in their reading skills. 22learn, your trusted educational apps developer
