호환 APK 다운로드
다운로드 | 개발자 | 평점 | 호환성 | 앱 크기 (MB) |
Camera Lens Studio 다운로드 Android Playstore 다운로드 → |
PSDC Mobile | 0 | 8.2M | |
Camera Lens Studio 다운로드 Android |
PSDC Mobile | 0 | Android 3.0 | 8.2M |
Real Lenses for Snapchat - RealLens 다운로드 Android |
eDevGames | 291 | Android 4.1 | 6.5M |
California Escapades 다운로드 Android |
Lens Studio | 58848 | Android 4.4 | 137M |
Snapchat 다운로드 Android |
Snap Inc | 29534287 | Android 4.4 | 83M |
Dank Lenses for Snapchat 다운로드 Android |
New Leaf Studios | 1568 | Android 4.4 | 8.6M |
Google Lens 다운로드 Android |
Google LLC | 1441846 | Android 6.0 | Varies with device |
SwipeStudio: Geofilter & Lens Maker for Snapchat 다운로드 Android |
Triangulate Inc. | 288 | Android 4.1 | 8.9M |
Make a filter yourself 다운로드 Android |
Faisal AL-Otaibi | 862 | Android 5.0 | 17M |
CameraKit 다운로드 Android |
CameraKit | 5094 | Android 5.0 | 28M |
Microsoft Lens - PDF Scanner 다운로드 Android |
Microsoft Corporation |
777257 | Android 7.0 | Varies with device |
Meme lenses 다운로드 Android |
Fragaria Media | 0 | Android 4.1 | 5.7M |
Lensa: Photo/Pictures Editor 다운로드 Android |
Prisma Labs, Inc. | 92716 | Android 8.0 | 71M |
Photoshop Camera Photo Filters 다운로드 Android |
Adobe | 14141 | Android 9 | 91M |
Friends for Snapchat - Find Friends 다운로드 Android |
Luminar | 23265 | Android 5.0 | 17M |
Discover Lens 다운로드 Android |
Vital Source Technologies |
142 | Android 5.0 | 129M |
보너스 ***: 더 많은 APK 다운로드 소스
다른 한편에서는 원활한 경험을하려면 파일을 장치에 다운로드 한 후 파일을 사용하는 방법을 알아야합니다. APK 파일은 Android 앱의 원시 파일이며 Android 패키지 키트를 의미합니다. 모바일 앱 배포 및 설치를 위해 Android 운영 체제에서 사용하는 패키지 파일 형식입니다.
네 가지 간단한 단계에서 사용 방법을 알려 드리겠습니다. Lens Studio 귀하의 전화 번호.
아래의 다운로드 미러를 사용하여 지금 당장이 작업을 수행 할 수 있습니다. 그것의 99 % 보장 . 컴퓨터에서 파일을 다운로드하는 경우, 그것을 안드로이드 장치로 옮기십시오.
설치하려면 Lens Studio 타사 응용 프로그램이 현재 설치 소스로 활성화되어 있는지 확인해야합니다. 메뉴 > 설정 > 보안> 으로 이동하여 알 수없는 소스 를 선택하여 휴대 전화가 Google Play 스토어 이외의 소스에서 앱을 설치하도록 허용하십시오.
이제 위치를 찾으십시오 Lens Studio 방금 다운로드 한 파일입니다.
일단 당신이 Lens Studio 파일을 클릭하면 일반 설치 프로세스가 시작됩니다. 메시지가 나타나면 "예" 를 누르십시오. 그러나 화면의 모든 메시지를 읽으십시오.
Lens Studio 이 (가) 귀하의 기기에 설치되었습니다. 즐겨!
REACH MILLIONS ON SNAPCHAT Millions of people use Lenses to express themselves every day on Snapchat. Today, over 1.5 million Lenses have been made by Lens Creators which have been viewed by Snapchatters more than 1 trillion times! WHAT ARE LENSES? Lenses are powerful AR experiences that instantly transform what the Snapchat camera sees. Because of the immersive capability of AR, Lenses have the ability to inspire, educate and entertain by reimagining the augmented world around you. Lenses are not only popular on Snapchat, but you can now bring the magic of AR into your live stream or video conferences through Snap Camera. In addition, Lenses now have an even wider distribution through Snap’s Camera Kit which allows developers to bring the power of Snapchat’s Camera into your own app and create unique AR experiences. WHAT IS LENS STUDIO? Lens Studio is a powerful software platform allowing creators, developers, designers, animators and artists to pioneer the future of augmented reality. Lens Studio lets you publish your AR creations across Snap’s AR ecosystem, with wide distribution and discovery on Snapchat. With Lens Studio, your creative possibilities are virtually endless. Whether you are using 2D art to transform faces, or bringing 3D models to life in the AR world, Lens Studio has world-class, professional-grade tools that are easy to use. You can create more realistic shaders and graphics using Lens Studio’s Material Editor or build innovative Lenses with SnapML and the many built-in machine learning features. You can test your Lenses interactively on your computer or push to your mobile device instantly with the Preview Tool. Lens Studio is not only powerful, but extremely intuitive. With dozens of templates and online tutorials available, Lens Studio makes it simple to bring your ideas to life, regardless of experience level. And with Lens Studio on Mac and iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, you can build Lenses that use the LiDAR Scanner to create immersive AR experiences that understand the geometry and meaning of surfaces and objects. This new level of scene understanding allows your Lenses to interact realistically with the surrounding world. BECOME A LENS CREATOR Join the tens of thousands of creators around the world who are already using Lens Studio to publish Lenses, including members of Team Snap and our verified Lens Creators. Snap is a leader in Augmented Reality, and together with our global community of Lens Creators, we are building the AR economy. As an industry, AR is growing rapidly as brands, agencies, music, film, art and entertainment all discover the value of creating innovative AR experiences. GET DISCOVERED Each time you publish a Lens, you’ll receive a custom Snapcode and link that you can share so others can easily unlock and experience what you’ve created. Using Markers, you can turn almost anything into a scannable AR experience. Tags allow you to reach a broader audience who are searching for specific Lenses. Best of all, Lenses appear in Snapchat’s Lens Explorer, a library of Snap- and community-made Lenses, which allows hundreds of millions of Snapchatters to discover, unlock, and share your creation with their friends. BUILD YOUR FANBASE Develop your audience with Snapchat Lens creator profiles – an all-in-one place for people to find your work. Each Lens you publish will automatically be associated with your unique creator profile.