New Orleans Map and Walks

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네 가지 간단한 단계에서 사용 방법을 알려 드리겠습니다. New Orleans Map and Walks 귀하의 전화 번호.

1 단계 : 다운로드 New Orleans Map and Walks 귀하의 기기에서

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2 단계 : 기기에 타사 앱 허용

설치하려면 New Orleans Map and Walks 타사 응용 프로그램이 현재 설치 소스로 활성화되어 있는지 확인해야합니다. 메뉴 > 설정 > 보안> 으로 이동하여 알 수없는 소스 를 선택하여 휴대 전화가 Google Play 스토어 이외의 소스에서 앱을 설치하도록 허용하십시오.

3 단계 : 파일 관리자로 이동

이제 위치를 찾으십시오 New Orleans Map and Walks 방금 다운로드 한 파일입니다.
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4 단계 : 즐기십시오

New Orleans Map and Walks 이 (가) 귀하의 기기에 설치되었습니다. 즐겨!

새로운 내용 New Orleans Map and Walks v7.1.1

개발자 설명

Lose Yourself Without Getting Lost. This handy application presents you several self-guided walks featuring the best of the city, from world famous attractions to hidden gems. There simply is no better way to see a city on foot, at your own pace and at a cost that is only a fraction of what you would normally pay for a guided tour. This app comes with a detailed and fully functional city map to help you explore the city and locate the sights of interest. City map functions included in this app are: street name and business (restaurants, cafes, etc.), search, location bookmarking, `Findme` (iPhone and iPad 3/4G model), movement tracking (iPhone and iPad 3/4G model), and more. You can track your steps, take photos along the way, and then share your tracks and photos with friends. Sightseeing walks included in this application are: * Architectural Splendors (7 sights) * Cultural Heritage (7 sights) * Central Business District (5 sights) * Prominent Shopping Areas (6 sights) * New Orleans' Nightlife (7 sights) * Souvenir Shopping (6 sights) * Churches in New Orleans (7 sights) * The French Quarter (14 sights) * The French Quarter: Museums (7 sights) * The Voodoo Tour (7 sights) * African American Heritage (6 sights) * Garden District Tour (6 sights) * Uptown Walking Tour (6 sights) * French Quarter Nightlife (10 sights) * Marigny Nightlife (7 sights) No Data Plan or Internet is Needed, and No Roaming either. All the data used in this app is built into the software, so there is no need for internet access or cellular data plan. No need to pay costly roaming charges when traveling to foreign cities. The app works with your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. All the navigation features related to the city walks are disabled in this Lite version, which means that you can view the walk details (sight descriptions and photos), but NO navigation assistance is provided to guide you from one sight to the next. Download the Lite version if you want to use the city map or learn about the city walks. However, if you want to join the walks, it is highly recommended that you download a Full Version of this app. The Full Version includes detailed walk route maps to guide you from one sight to the next. Please visit our website at to find city walks for over 470 cities worldwide. Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. This app gives you the option to turn off the GPS tracking in the background to prolong the battery life.
